Pour utiliser l'afficheur il faut disposer du module tm1637. Celui-ci peut-être télécharger sur la carte sous forme d'un fichier indépendant (tm1637.py). Ou le code peut-être intégré dans votre programme principal.
from microbit import * from tm1637 import TM1637 tm = TM1637(clk=pin1, dio=pin15) tm.scroll('cool story bro')
""" MicroPython for micro:bit TM1637 quad 7-segment LED display driver https://github.com/mcauser/microbit-tm1637 MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Mike Causer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from microbit import * _SEG = bytearray(b'\x3F\x06\x5B\x4F\x66\x6D\x7D\x07\x7F\x6F\x77\x7C\x39\x5E\x79\x71\x3D\x76\x06\x1E\x76\x38\x55\x54\x3F\x73\x67\x50\x6D\x78\x3E\x1C\x2A\x76\x6E\x5B\x00\x40\x63') class TM1637(object): def __init__(self, clk, dio, brightness=7): self._c = clk self._d = dio self._b = max(0, min(brightness, 7)) self._data_cmd() self._dsp_ctrl() def _start(self): self._d.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(0) def _stop(self): self._d.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(1) self._d.write_digital(1) def _data_cmd(self): self._start() self._write_byte(0x40) self._stop() def _dsp_ctrl(self): self._start() self._write_byte(0x88 | self._b) self._stop() def _write_byte(self, b): for i in range(8): self._d.write_digital((b >> i) & 1) self._c.write_digital(1) self._c.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(1) self._c.write_digital(0) def brightness(self, val=None): if val is None: return self._b self._b = max(0, min(val, 7)) self._data_cmd() self._dsp_ctrl() def write(self, segments, pos=0): if not 0 <= pos <= 3: raise ValueError("Position out of range") self._data_cmd() self._start() self._write_byte(0xC0 | pos) for seg in segments: self._write_byte(seg) self._stop() self._dsp_ctrl() def encode_string(self, string): segments = bytearray(len(string)) for i in range(len(string)): segments[i] = self.encode_char(string[i]) return segments def encode_char(self, char): o = ord(char) if o == 32: return _SEG[36] # space if o == 42: return _SEG[38] # star/degrees if o == 45: return _SEG[37] # dash if o >= 65 and o <= 90: return _SEG[o-55] # uppercase A-Z if o >= 97 and o <= 122: return _SEG[o-87] # lowercase a-z if o >= 48 and o <= 57: return _SEG[o-48] # 0-9 raise ValueError("Character out of range: {:d} '{:s}'".format(o, chr(o))) def hex(self, val): string = '{:04x}'.format(val & 0xffff) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) def number(self, num): num = max(-999, min(num, 9999)) string = '{0: >4d}'.format(num) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) def numbers(self, num1, num2, colon=True): num1 = max(-9, min(num1, 99)) num2 = max(-9, min(num2, 99)) segments = self.encode_string('{0:0>2d}{1:0>2d}'.format(num1, num2)) if colon: segments[1] |= 0x80 # colon on self.write(segments) def temperature(self, num): if num < -9: self.write([0x38, 0x3F]) # LO elif num > 99: self.write([0x76, 0x06]) # HI else: string = '{0: >2d}'.format(num) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) self.write([_SEG[38], _SEG[12]], 2) # degrees C def show(self, string, colon=False): segments = self.encode_string(string) if len(segments) > 1 and colon: segments[1] |= 128 self.write(segments[:4]) def scroll(self, string, delay=250): segments = string if isinstance(string, list) else self.encode_string(string) data = [0] * 8 data[4:0] = list(segments) for i in range(len(segments) + 5): self.write(data[0+i:4+i]) sleep(delay) # Then write your actual micro:bit program here: tm = TM1637(pin1, pin15) tm.scroll('cool story bro') 4-Digit Display with library on microbit ============================================== Le fichier tm1637.py à télécharger sur la carte microbit from microbit import sleep _SEG = bytearray(b'\x3F\x06\x5B\x4F\x66\x6D\x7D\x07\x7F\x6F\x77\x7C\x39\x5E\x79\x71\x3D\x76\x06\x1E\x76\x38\x55\x54\x3F\x73\x67\x50\x6D\x78\x3E\x1C\x2A\x76\x6E\x5B\x00\x40\x63') class TM1637(object): def __init__(self, clk, dio, brightness=7): self._c = clk self._d = dio self._b = max(0, min(brightness, 7)) self._data_cmd() self._dsp_ctrl() def _start(self): self._d.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(0) def _stop(self): self._d.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(1) self._d.write_digital(1) def _data_cmd(self): self._start() self._write_byte(0x40) self._stop() def _dsp_ctrl(self): self._start() self._write_byte(0x88 | self._b) self._stop() def _write_byte(self, b): for i in range(8): self._d.write_digital((b >> i) & 1) self._c.write_digital(1) self._c.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(0) self._c.write_digital(1) self._c.write_digital(0) def brightness(self, val=None): if val is None: return self._b self._b = max(0, min(val, 7)) self._data_cmd() self._dsp_ctrl() def write(self, segments, pos=0): if not 0 <= pos <= 3: raise ValueError("Position out of range") self._data_cmd() self._start() self._write_byte(0xC0 | pos) for seg in segments: self._write_byte(seg) self._stop() self._dsp_ctrl() def encode_string(self, string): segments = bytearray(len(string)) for i in range(len(string)): segments[i] = self.encode_char(string[i]) return segments def encode_char(self, char): o = ord(char) if o == 32: return _SEG[36] # space if o == 42: return _SEG[38] # star/degrees if o == 45: return _SEG[37] # dash if o >= 65 and o <= 90: return _SEG[o-55] # uppercase A-Z if o >= 97 and o <= 122: return _SEG[o-87] # lowercase a-z if o >= 48 and o <= 57: return _SEG[o-48] # 0-9 raise ValueError("Character out of range: {:d} '{:s}'".format(o, chr(o))) def hex(self, val): string = '{:04x}'.format(val & 0xffff) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) def number(self, num): num = max(-999, min(num, 9999)) string = '{0: >4d}'.format(num) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) def numbers(self, num1, num2, colon=True): num1 = max(-9, min(num1, 99)) num2 = max(-9, min(num2, 99)) segments = self.encode_string('{0:0>2d}{1:0>2d}'.format(num1, num2)) if colon: segments[1] |= 0x80 # colon on self.write(segments) def temperature(self, num): if num < -9: self.write([0x38, 0x3F]) # LO elif num > 99: self.write([0x76, 0x06]) # HI else: string = '{0: >2d}'.format(num) self.write(self.encode_string(string)) self.write([_SEG[38], _SEG[12]], 2) # degrees C def show(self, string, colon=False): segments = self.encode_string(string) if len(segments) > 1 and colon: segments[1] |= 128 self.write(segments[:4]) def scroll(self, string, delay=250): segments = string if isinstance(string, list) else self.encode_string(string) data = [0] * 8 data[4:0] = list(segments) for i in range(len(segments) + 5): self.write(data[0+i:4+i]) sleep(delay)
Christophe Béasse - Mai 2019 )